A Draft of the First 3 Minutes...

The above is a short, 3 minute draft of the opening sequence of the film. There are some caveats to bear in mind, however. First, some of the footage that appears here is stock and will be replaced with footage I am shooting myself. In some ways, these are placeholders for like footage. Some will stay where they are, though, and will be consistent with the overall aesthetic of the piece. Also, the music will change. This is a commercially available track (Black Milk by Massive Attack, if you're wondering...) but the pace and feel of this temp track will be the inspiration for the final music in this opening sequence. In addition, the interviews will be dispersed throughout this section, breaking up and possibly replacing chunks of the video from TEDX and the animated part. Finally, I may add voice narration to the piece but I'm not necessarily convinced of it yet. Ultimately, what I'm getting at is that there will be substantive changes to this piece before the draft i due next Wednesday.

Neil Perry